lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

POST 6: Write about a social issue

 Today I want to talk to you about the gender perspective.

This has been a very important issue for me since I started out in feminism.

but what is the gender perspective?

"According to the General Law for Equality between Women and Men, the gender perspective refers to the methodology and mechanisms that allow identifying, questioning and evaluating discrimination, inequality and exclusion of women, which is intended to justify based on in the biological differences between women and men "

I believe that what is important is transmitted in this definition, and not only by guiding us by jobs, in all areas it should be applied, such as having an education, health, public policies and social movements (and many more)

The importance of applying the gender perspective lies in the possibilities it offers to understand how discrimination against women occurs and the ways to transform it.

But it is not only focused on women, it is focused on a society. And I hope that by questioning discriminatory behavior we will all be a better society. 

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Post 5

 I would like to work in a laboratory because of what I am studying, I really like the idea of working in a laboratory. (Although I still don't know what specialty)

And if I think of a part-time job or weekend job I love the idea of working as a mermaid, a girl's dream. I saw it on instagram and it seemed like a fantastic idea hahaha.

But my job would be to be a biochemist and do it in a laboratory.

If I would like to travel for my biochemistry work, but enough or necessary. (But personally I would love to do it on vacation)

Regarding the money that is necessary to live comfortably, I mean that I expect a lot but not little. The middle term, that helps me to take the dog that I have to the vet (including the remedies) and I do not worry about the food (of both) at the end of the month

Currently he studied biochemistry, I still do not know in which area to specialize, but for the moment I find it interesting to study the ovaries or the uterus in general, personal things.

random photo of akirita.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

Post 4

I think it is the perfect occasion to talk about my dogs (or rather the well summarized beginning of his arrival in my life). Forgive me but this will be "a lot of text"

I spent all of high school bothering my parents because I wanted a dog, I really wanted it too much.

Then they surprised me for one Christmas 4 years ago when Akirita arrived. Akira was initially going to be called "Aimie", but it only lasted two days because my family didn't like it since I had a classmate called "Amy", so I'd better take Akira's name. 

The first year was difficult, it is difficult to take responsibility. But then everything flowed smoothly and Akirita was very loved by everyone in the family.

So I went to University and behind my back they planned to find Akira a boyfriend, when they told me it was official that Akira was going to spend a week with her boyfriend, I was very worried. (because if you don't know, I'm a very overprotective mom with my little dogs)

Akira eventually got pregnant, we went to the vet for an ultrasound and three puppies were seen. The good thing is that only in our university there was unemployment, so I spent the whole pregnancy taking care of Akira.

And in the end 4 puppies were born, they looked like mice.

We did not have much faith in Akira because she was very spoiled and we thought that she could reject dogs. But she was too good a mom (omg I'm laughing as I write this)

But it is that at first Akira did not want to take the puppies because they cried and she cried for us to move them, always supervising because she is very protective.

Even veterinarians are surprised that their "mother instinct" still lingers.

In fact, her puppies are the only dogs that she doesn't want to kill when she sees them.

Oh I would love to tell you more but this would be infinite. 

Here Akira's puppies

Luna or better known as lunita


Rocky or better known as "pichulotote"

Clara, she left with her dad and they put the name of "Peca"

*crossing my fingers to give a new free post and tell you more about my dogs.*

Post 3


I am currently studying biochemistry, it was my first choice since second year of high school. 

I always liked science, and since I was little I said that I wanted to be a scientist (although months later I said that I wanted to be a model, but it was very temporary). 

I guess the benefits are all you learn throughout the race, it's really fun and I'm very happy with everything I've learned.

I like my career because it is very broad and you can study many things, I chose the career because I want to work in a laboratory all my life, and the career that assured me this was biochemistry, although I entered because I was 100% sure that I wanted to dedicate myself to research, now I am not entirely sure. I would like to explore the other fields of work as I find them very interesting. Biochemistry contributes to society in different ways and I want to do that.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

Post 2

Ufff if I have to choose my best vacation, I think it was the winter vacation this year, I disconnected from the world but my previous vacations have not been good, at least the last three ...

I passed all my subjects and I did not have to take exams (yeiii) so I had more than a month of vacation. I was at my house and my only way out was to walk my little dogs. 

The good thing is that my mother still took her vacations on the same dates, so we were all in the house (my father and my sister) and my beautiful dogs.

I only did two things: I read a lot of books (16 in total) and saw Malcom again, in English. Previously I had seen it 4 times but in Latin Spanish.

He also did other things: cleaning the house (washing the dishes, mop the floor and tidying up) to maintain a balance and not just be lying down reading or watching Amazon Prime.

They have been the best because 3 years ago I had a reading block and despite the fact that this year I have read a lot of books, I wanted to read for full days and I did!

I know it has been a bad year for most of the people, I have had good and bad moments. My vacations were the best of my year and when the holidays were going to end I didn't want it to happen, because I was really enjoying my reading rhythm. 

My last 3 vacations were really nothing, I think I slept in only one, and the next two I worked, and I came home so exhausted that it was the only thing I did all day ... that's why I think these are the best. 

Also, I was fortunate to have my family together and have conversations until the early hours of the morning! 

So lucky and grateful

From my vacation I only have photos of my dogs

From my vacation I only have photos of my dogs and the week of September 18

**I speak since I entered the university

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020

Post 1

I would like to go to United States.

For specific things, for example to buy stationery and books and visit some museums.

I know very few good ones from the United States but I would love to go to the book fairs that they do, especially the ones that are many novelties that have not yet hit the market and several authors go to sign their works. Can you imagine I meet Rick Riordan? OMG *dreams*

I know that stationery is usually much cheaper than here and I would love to take a full suitcase home (and I would not buy more in a minimum year, of course) 

I still don't know which city I would go to, I would like to visit several.

Actually, I just want to go shopping in the United States, before I wanted to live there but my opinion has changed and now I question it. If the opportunity arises, I would like to work for a while. Maybe try and see the labor field since they tend to invest more in science than here in Chile (that is, 0.35% dishonor!).