lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

Post 3


I am currently studying biochemistry, it was my first choice since second year of high school. 

I always liked science, and since I was little I said that I wanted to be a scientist (although months later I said that I wanted to be a model, but it was very temporary). 

I guess the benefits are all you learn throughout the race, it's really fun and I'm very happy with everything I've learned.

I like my career because it is very broad and you can study many things, I chose the career because I want to work in a laboratory all my life, and the career that assured me this was biochemistry, although I entered because I was 100% sure that I wanted to dedicate myself to research, now I am not entirely sure. I would like to explore the other fields of work as I find them very interesting. Biochemistry contributes to society in different ways and I want to do that.

5 comentarios:

  1. you re so lucky (better said, hard worker) to enter studyin a career you ve always wanted!! i hope you re enjoying our career. it s a beautiful career spite the difficulties.

  2. it is great that you study something that you really passionate

  3. I agree with you, the science contributes very much into society

  4. Biochemistry is a very nice career, my brother has tell how beautiful it is :)

  5. I chose biochemistry for very similar reasons, I like that the career is so diverse
