jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

Post 2

Ufff if I have to choose my best vacation, I think it was the winter vacation this year, I disconnected from the world but my previous vacations have not been good, at least the last three ...

I passed all my subjects and I did not have to take exams (yeiii) so I had more than a month of vacation. I was at my house and my only way out was to walk my little dogs. 

The good thing is that my mother still took her vacations on the same dates, so we were all in the house (my father and my sister) and my beautiful dogs.

I only did two things: I read a lot of books (16 in total) and saw Malcom again, in English. Previously I had seen it 4 times but in Latin Spanish.

He also did other things: cleaning the house (washing the dishes, mop the floor and tidying up) to maintain a balance and not just be lying down reading or watching Amazon Prime.

They have been the best because 3 years ago I had a reading block and despite the fact that this year I have read a lot of books, I wanted to read for full days and I did!

I know it has been a bad year for most of the people, I have had good and bad moments. My vacations were the best of my year and when the holidays were going to end I didn't want it to happen, because I was really enjoying my reading rhythm. 

My last 3 vacations were really nothing, I think I slept in only one, and the next two I worked, and I came home so exhausted that it was the only thing I did all day ... that's why I think these are the best. 

Also, I was fortunate to have my family together and have conversations until the early hours of the morning! 

So lucky and grateful

From my vacation I only have photos of my dogs

From my vacation I only have photos of my dogs and the week of September 18

**I speak since I entered the university

8 comentarios:

  1. wow, It was a well-used vacation, I only saw series and slept a lot


  2. the best vacation is to be with the family. ps: your blog is beautiful!

  3. How beautiful to be able to rest and be with the family. Your puppies are the most beautiful.

  4. I loved the pictures of your dogs. They are very cute.

  5. What a cute dog! And also you read such a lot of books
